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Discover’s Kate Manfred on her journey from chemical engineer to data-driven CMO

Not too many people can say they’ve gone from working as a chemical engineer to chief marketing officer, though that’s exactly what Discover CMO Kate Manfred has done.

In our latest episode of The Current Podcast, Manfred discusses her unconventional career path from working as an engineer and then consultant to her current role as CMO of Discover. “To make good, robust decisions, you really need to embrace the math and data that every consumer leaves as they’re clicking around the internet,” Manfred says on the podcast.

Manfred’s scientific background equips her with a marketing skill set that allows her to thrive as a data-driven CMO. Despite her unique background, Manfred knows she can’t do everything on her own. “No one can do this job alone. A CMO can never be successful by himself or herself,” Manfred says. “It really comes down to the strength and quality of the team that you build both internally and externally.”